
We get the needed expertise to get the job done.

The expertise provided in our value creation approach is customized to the specific situation and the derived targets. It includes the vertical expertise covering the industries’ specifics and methodological expertise covering the detailed knowledge of tools implemented across several industries.

Look for 3 things in a person: Intelligence, Energy & Integrity. If they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two

Warren Buffet

Last but not least we believe that empathy, integrity and leadership skills are essential; they ensure a successful onboarding of all stakeholders and accelerate the implementation process.

Once people get to know our team better, it becomes clear why we were capable of building a quite strong network over the years. A network that is definitely a major additional value add.

The following experts contribute to sustainable value creation:

Iwan Kurt Bannwart
Iwan Kurt Bannwart
Associate Partner
Industrial Cooperation Programs
Bernd Wenzler
Bernd Wenzler
Associate Partner
Aerospace & Defence
Dr. Mansour Iskander
Dr. Mansour Iskander
Managing Partner
Industrial Value Creation
Dr. Michael Hoeck
Dr. Michael Hoeck
Associate Partner
Venture Capital & Funding
Dr. Klaus Werner
Dr. Klaus Werner
Senior Advisor
Legal & Governmental
Tessy Antony de Nassau
Tessy Antony de Nassau
Associate Partner
EU-Relations & Sustainability
Prof. Dr. Horst Wildemann
Prof. Dr. Horst Wildemann
Associate Partner
Strategy & Industrial Landscape Transformation
Karim Kortländer
Karim Kortländer
Managing Partner
Engineering & Certification
Alexandra Pierron
Alexandra Pierron
Associate Partner
Advanced Purchasing
Moritz von Hohenzollern
Moritz von Hohenzollern
Associate Partner
Food Engineering & Processing